Well, they day I have been waiting for has arrived. Five years have passed since I stepped into this high school to begin 8th grade, and really started to actually care about school. So many memories have been made over the last few years. I still remember my first day of 8th grade, and 9th grade like it was yesterday. I still have memories from elementary and middle school that will last a lifetime, both good and bad. It blows my mind that this whole phase of my life is over and done with. Faces that I had once seen every day, I will never see again, unless I happen to come across them somewhere, or decide to go to high school reunions. While I am kind of sad, I know that there is so much more that lies ahead. There are new people to meet, places to go, and memories to make. This is the time to change my life for the better, and set the way for the rest of my life.
I still have a ton of growing up to do, and it has yet to hit me that I am actually an adult now. Which is why instead of moving out on my own, I'll be moving up to where my Dad lives this summer. It's a change of scenery, but I won't be on my own. This also helps because I know I won't be able to balance a full-time job with college. Let alone adding in a social life and blogging. I want to be able to use my first few paychecks to go shopping, rather then using them to pay bills, LOL! The moving date isn't set in stone yet, but hopefully it'll be sometime in July. I have never gone through a move before, so it's a really exciting thing for me.
This last weekend has been full of excitement. From my graduation on Saturday, and my step-brother's graduation on Sunday, then our combined graduation party on Memorial Day. Which, while I am a day late... Let's not forget those who died in the line of duty fighting for our freedom's. Without the brave soldiers, and their families who make this sacrifice, my life would not be of the quality that it is today. If it wasn't for them putting there lives on the line, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this blog post. I wouldn't be able to complain the way I do at times. I may not even have the choice in the way I dress. I also might not have been able to achieve getting my high school diploma. To all those who died in the line of duty, currently serving in the military, will be serving, and have ever served our country, thank you for all you have done to keep this country safe and free.
The last few years have been quite a ride. They have had their ups and downs, and there have certainly been times when I wanted to hurry up to this moment, as well as slow time down. There is certainly so much more to come from here. I am getting off the roller coaster of my childhood, and heading to the bigger, and scarier yet exciting roller coaster of adulthood. I plan to keep you guys updated on anything exciting that happens in my life. I will continue writing my beauty and lifestyle posts for Angelic Glitter for as long as I can! I will post as much as I can this summer, and no matter how busy I get, I'll try to find some time to write some posts for you guys. While I do only have a small amount of readers, you guys all mean so much to me! I have always wanted to write, and have my own blog, and now it's a reality. I hope to grow my audience in the future... I just have to keep at it!
I would like to thank all of my followers for the past 5 months. Blogging has made my final semester of high school amazing! I would also like to thank my family and friends for getting me to this point today. I will not forget any of you as I continue my journey. Even if I didn't always get along with my family, I still appreciate the things that they have done for me. And to my high school friends, while we are going our separate ways, you have certainly made my time here at RHS worth while. :)
Congratulation's Class Of 2013, We Made It!!
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